Follow your dream and belief, because they would stick around you or never let you go. There is a will, there is a way. At the same time, try not to be out of cash. Man cannot live by bread alone, but need some in everyday lives.
(日本 大手電機機器メーカー しょうこ)
1-Realize that in an organization, you are most likely just a means to an end for another person's goal. Make sure that what you do is in the best interest of what you are looking for, otherwise you'll look back and see no or little achievments. Therefore, know when to say no, and don't be afraid to challenge your managers when your job no longer adds value to your learning.
2-Reputation is your most important asset. Good deeds, as well as bad ones, stick for a long time. A very long time
(レバノン モハメッド 原油採掘会社)