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※ 音声は以下をクリック
People sometime ask, “Are you a ‘dog person’ or a ‘cat person’?” “Dog people” prefer to keep dogs as pets. Some of them hate cats. “Cat people” prefer to keep cats as pets. And some of them hate dogs, too. People ask the question because they think the answer is important. They think that “dog people” and “cat people” have very different personalities. And they think that the answer to the question will give them information about someone’s personality. Maybe they are right. After all, dogs and cats are very different kinds of companions.
First of all, dogs are happy to be with people all the time. They are always eager to play with their owners. Also, they show their love in a very open way. And dogs will protect their owners, too. They might even risk their own lives to save the lives of human beings. In contrast to this, cats are quite independent. They often prefer to spend their time alone. And as long as they have enough food, they don’t need people very much. For these reasons, cats are much easier to keep than dogs are. Also, many people think cats are mysterious and beautiful to watch.
“Dog people” and “cat people” also appear to be very different in their social natures. “Dog people” tend to be more active. They like to go out and do things with other people. And they like to help other people, too. Also, “dog people” tend to get along well with all types of people. “Cat people” are not like that. They tend to prefer a more quiet life. And they choose their friends more carefully. They notice small details about others, and they think those details are important. Actually, it often may not be necessary to ask the question “Are you a ‘dog person’ or a ‘cat person’?” If you know a person a little, you can probably guess the answer fairly easily.
昔の僕と一緒で「実はリスニング、ぶっちゃけあまり強くないんだよね」という先生の場合、聞いている途中で集中が切れてしまったという人もいるでしょう。以前は僕もそうでした。それは全然、恥ずかしいことではないです。トレーニングすればいいだけですから。教員はできるふりなんかしないでいいと思 うんです。教員だからこそ、今できないということを認めて、自分で勉強するのが大切なのです。
われわれが学生の頃は「単語をちゃんと調べてきなさい」「訳してきなさい」と、宿題といえば調べものばかりでした。あとは、「ノートに書け」でしたね。でも、いちばん大事なのは覚えることだと思うので、僕は授業中に覚える作業も盛り込んでいます。でも、「これ覚えろ〜! 覚えたかぁ〜?」とやっていると面白さがないので、生徒同士でチェックし合うとか、いろんなアクティビティを入れるようにしています。