3D Map of Land Values in Japan: 1989 - 2019

26,000 points of official land prices of the whole country for the past 30 years
3rd April 2019

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On March 20th, Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) published the latest land values of approximately 26,000 points in Japan. MLIT has been publishing the land values once a year. Toyo Keizai plotted the land values from 1989, the peak of Japanese real estate bubble, to 2019, the latest, to see how land land values have fluctuated.

You can see the latest value or compare the latest with the past, and filter types of area (residensial / business). Each hexagonal column may contain multiple points. Color and height are calculated based on the average price or fluctuation rate. Detailed information can be shown by tapping or mouse hovering.

Deck.GL, a WebGL framework provided by UBER was used to draw the 3D map.

Explanation article [in Japanese]

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Created by: Kazuki OGIWARA (Toyo Keizai Online)