3D Map of Tokyo Land Prices

1268 points of Tokyo official land prices, expressed in 3D map

16 October 2018JAPANESE

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This map contains 1268 points as of 1 July 2018 (as the latest price) and 2017 (for comparison). The raw data was retrieved from Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). Deck.gl, a WebGL framework provided by UBER was used in order to draw this 3D map. The prices are rounded off to the nearest 10 thousand yen. Colors and heights are pre-calculated based on values.

Since each point is aggregated every 200 meters, one bar (hexagon) may contain multiple points. In that case, color and height are calculated based on the average price or rate of fluctuation. By tapping or mouse hovering, you can see the detailed information about the point (the nearest transportation facility and the distance, the price or the rate of fluctuation, area, current usage) will be shown. These information is also obtained from MLIT.

You can select a data type (latest land prices / comparison with the last year) and points type (all / residential area / business area). In the comparison map, bar colors are red if increased from the last year and blue if decreased. The darker and the taller each bar is, the larger fluctuation the point has experienced. The targets of comparison are 1,239 points common to both years.

The exposition article is here [Japanese]

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Refer to GitHub to download data and see source code and change log

Creator: Kazuki OGIWARA (Toyo Keizai Online)