Trump: "I Would Bomb the Hell Out of ISIS"

By Reuters
November 20,2015

(Reuters)--U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he "would bomb the hell out of ISIS" before a campaign rally in Worcester, Massachusetts on Wednesday (November 18).

Trump went on to explain his position with the Syrian refugee crisis, saying if he became president, they would all go back.

"If we take in thousands and thousands, if we have five that come in that are ISIS -- look at the damage they did, a small number, in Paris. Look at the damage they've done. So I said very strongly if I win, if I become president, they're going back. We're going to do it nicely, we're going to do it humanely, they'll probably be happy to go back in a certain way..." Trump told the media.

American voters are evenly split between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as their top choice to address the issue of terrorism following the Paris attacks, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.

Asked to choose from the entire field of 2016 presidential hopefuls, 20% of 1,106 respondents surveyed between November 16-17 opted for Trump. An equal share of the electorate picked Clinton.