Beer Brewing Made Easy

By Reuters
January 12,2016
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A device that automates beer brewing is unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

Brewing beer isn't easy. It takes patience and skill to transform grains and hops into the perfect pint. But now the process of creating beer has been automated.

This device, called Pico, makes it as easy to brew as coffee.

But instead of pods filled with espresso, Pico Packs, which are designed by independent craft brewers, contain all the ingredients needed to brew beer.

The packs, which load into the device, are sold online.

Bill Mitchell, CEO and Founder of Picobrew, saying:

"We've got over 100 craft breweries that have joined with us to produce these Pico Packs for the Pico and the idea is that we work with them to collaborate to create these Pico Packs which is everything you need, the grain, the hops, and the recipe, the process control that will produce craft beer just like they intended you to taste it in the comfort of your own home."

The Pico isn't just automated, it also accelerates brewing production to just days instead of weeks, while at the same time ensuring every batch is consistent.

Once brewed the user adds yeast to the 5 liter keg and refrigerates it to allow for fermentation. Mitchell hopes the device will help keep smaller brewers in business by providing them with a new source of revenue.

Bill Mitchell, CEO and Founder of Picobrew, saying:

"A lot of people just wanted fresh craft beer like they had in the brew pub. They realized that cans and bottles staled and they wanted to get the fresh product."

A product beer lovers can now replicate with a simple push of a button.